Aurobindo Ghosh

Sri Aurobindo Ghosh was a spiritual leader and revolutionary who dedicated his life to the pursuit of self-realization and the evolution of consciousness. His teachings continue to inspire countless individuals to seek a deeper understanding of themselves and the universe.

Early Life and Education

Sri Aurobindo was born in Calcutta, India in 1872. His father was a doctor and his mother was a devoutly religious woman who instilled in him a love of spirituality and meditation from a young age. He excelled in his studies and went on to study at Cambridge University in England, where he gained a deep understanding of Western philosophy and literature.

Political Career and Revolution

Upon returning to India, Sri Aurobindo became involved in the Indian independence movement and became a leader of the revolutionary movement in Bengal. He worked tirelessly to unite Hindus and Muslims in their struggle against British rule and was eventually imprisoned for his activities.

Spiritual Awakening

While in prison, Sri Aurobindo underwent a profound spiritual transformation that would shape the rest of his life. He experienced a series of mystical experiences that led him to believe that humanity was on the brink of a great spiritual evolution. He began to focus his efforts on the pursuit of self-realization and the transformation of human consciousness.

Teachings and Philosophy

Sri Aurobindo's teachings revolve around the concept of integral yoga, which involves the evolution of the entire being - body, mind, and spirit. He believed that the purpose of life was to achieve a state of unity with the divine and that this could be achieved through meditation, self-discipline, and the cultivation of a higher consciousness. He also emphasized the importance of social and political transformation as a means of promoting spiritual evolution on a larger scale.

Legacy and Impact

Sri Aurobindo's teachings have had a profound impact on the spiritual landscape of India and the world. His ideas have inspired countless individuals to seek a deeper understanding of themselves and the universe and to pursue a life of spiritual evolution. His ashram in Pondicherry, India continues to be a center of spiritual learning and practice, attracting seekers from all over the world.

Criticisms and Controversies

Sri Aurobindo's teachings have not been without controversy, particularly in India. Some have criticized his emphasis on individual spiritual evolution as being too focused on the self and neglecting the larger social and political issues of the day. Others have accused him of promoting a form of elitism and exclusivity within his ashram.


Sri Aurobindo Ghosh was a complex and fascinating figure whose life and teachings continue to inspire and challenge people around the world. His commitment to the evolution of consciousness and the pursuit of self-realization offers a powerful vision of what it means to live a life of spiritual significance.


Q. What is integral yoga?
A: Integral yoga is a spiritual practice that emphasizes the evolution of the entire being - body, mind, and spirit - in pursuit of a state of unity with the divine.

Q. What was Sri Aurobindo's political involvement?
A: Sri Aurobindo was a leader in the Indian independence movement and was involved in the revolutionary movement in Bengal.

Q. What was Sri Aurobindo's spiritual transformation?
A: While in prison, Sri Aurobindo underwent a series of mystical experiences that led him to believe that humanity was on the brink of a great spiritual evolution.

Q. What is the significance of Sri Aurobindo's teachings?
A: Sri Aurobindo's teachings have inspired countless individuals to seek a deeper understanding of themselves and the universe and to pursue a life of spiritual evolution.

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