General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. Prarthana Samaj was established in -
1) Bengal
2) Gujarat
3) Bihar
4) Maharashtra

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Q. Who is the author of the book 'Tahqiq-i-Hind'?
1) Ziauddin Barani
2) Amir Khusro
3) Al-Biruni
4) Abdur Razzaq

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Q. Paramahansa Mandali was established in which State?
1) Orissa
2) Bengal
3) Maharashtra
4) Bihar

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Q. During the Champaran Satyagraha, the cultivation of Indigo was known as -
1) Tinkathia system
2) Ryotwari system
3) Slash and burn agriculture
4) Neelkari

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Q. Vijayanagara Empire was established in which year?
1) 1336 A.D.
2) 1236 A.D.
3) 1436 A.D.
4) 1316 A.D.

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Q. "Pothi-Padh Padh Jag Mua, Pandit Bhaya Na Koye,
Dhai Akhar Prem Ka, Padhe So Pandit Hoye."
Who wrote these lines?

1) Kabir
2) Raidas
3) Guru Nanak
4) Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

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Q. Which of the following countries in Asia is not a landlocked country?
1) Nepal
2) Thailand
3) Laos
4) Bhutan

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Q. Which of the following state­ments is not correct regarding wind power capacity in India?
1) Wind power capacity in India has significantly increased
2) Gujarat has around 22% of the total wind power capacity of the country
3) Tamil Nadu's wind power capacity was about 24% of the country in the year 2021
4) Madhya Pradesh has the third rank in the country in wind power capacity

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Q. The Ninety East Ridge (90° East Ridge) is located in which of the following oceans?
1) Arctic Ocean
2) Atlantic Ocean
3) Pacific Ocean
4) Indian Ocean

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Q. Sundarbans are which of the following types of forests?
1) Tropical dry deciduous forest
2) Alpine forest
3) Sub-tropical pine forest
4) Littoral or Tidal forest

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