Q. Under which of the following did Chief Minister Shri Nitish Kumar launch more than 750 development schemes at Begusarai and Khagaria districts on 6th January, 2018 ?
1) Vikas Yatra
2) Vikas Survekshan Yatra
3) Nav-Srijan Yojana, 2018
4) Vikas Samiksha Yatra
Q. In which city/ State was air pollution control system 'VAYU' installed in September 2018 ?
1) Chennai
2) Amritsar
3) Delhi
4) Varanasi
Q. JIMEX 2018 relates to -
1) Japan-India Joint Military Exhibition
2) Japan-India Maritime Exercise
3) Japan-India Joint Motor vehicle Exhibition
4) Japan-India Joint Missile Programme
Q. In which of the following institutes was the first Indian Railway University established in September 2018 ?
1) Indian National Rail Academy - Vadodara
2) Indian Railway School - Pune
3) Indian National Rail Research Institute - Mysore
4) Indian Rail Coach Institute - Kapurthala
Q. Which scheme was recognized as world's largest insurance scheme launched in India in September 2018 ?
1) Pradhan Mantri Jan Aarogya Yojana
2) Pradhan Mantri Jan Swasthya Yojana
3) Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana
4) Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana
Q. In January 2018, which Indian State allowed people to establish a humanitarian relationship with trees, i.e., brother-sister ?
1) Assam
2) Sikkim
3) Nagaland
4) Manipur
Q. According to Indian Forest Status Report released in February 2018, how much area of India is covered by forests ?
1) 23.00%
2) 23.40%
3) 24.00%
4) 24.40%
Q. Which is the first Indian airline company that used biofuel as ATF in August 2018 ?
1) Jet Airways
2) Vistara
3) Air India
4) Spice Jet
Q. Which of the following nations declared emergency due to polio outbreak in June 2018 ?
1) Papua New Guinea
2) Fiji
3) Philippines
4) Mali
Q. On 20th July, 2018 which nation ended emergency after two years ?
1) Iraq
2) Syria
3) Turkey
4) Yemen
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Headquarter: New Delhi Function and Objective of the Organization: The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)has been established under Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 which consolidates various acts & orders that have hitherto handled food-related issues in various Ministries →
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