Longest And Largest

Longest river (India)
- Ganges
Longest river (World)
- Nile
Longest Railway(World)
- Trans-Siberian railway
Longest Railway Station (World)
- Grand Central Terminal, Chicago (U.S.A.)
The longest tributary river in India
- Yamuna
The longest river in south India
- Godavari
Longest Electric railway line in India
- From Delhi to Kolkata via Patna
Longest Road in India
- Grand Trunk Road
State with the longest coastline in India
- Gujarat
Longest railway route in India
- Dibrugarh in Assam to Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu
The longest tunnel in India
- Jawahar tunnel (Jammu & Kashmir)
Longest national highway in India
- NH-7 which runs from Varanasi to Kanyakumari
Longest Dam in India
- Hirakund Dam (Orissa)
Longest River Bridge in India
- Mahatma Gandhi Setu, Patna
Longest Populated City in India
- Mumbai (1.60 crores)
Longest Railway Platform
- Shree Siddharoodha Swamiji Hubballi Station(1,505 m long, Karnataka)
The longest river which forms an estuary in India
- Narmada
State with the longest coastline in South India
- Andhra Pradesh
Longest Railway Bridge in the World
- Huey P. Long Bridge, Louisiana (U.S.A.)
Longest Irrigational Canal
- The Kalakumsky Canal
Longest Canal in World
- Suez Canal
Longest Beach in India
- Marina Beach, Chennai
Longest Tunnel in World (Railway)
- Tanna (Japan)
Longest Tunnel in World (Road)
- Mont Blanc Tunnel between France and Italy
Longest Wall (World)
- Great wall of China
Largest Zoo (World)
- Kruger National Park, South Africa
Largest Bird
- Ostrich
Largest Archipelago
- Indonesia
Largest Church in India
- Saint Cathedral (Goa)
Largest Museum in India
- National Museum, Kolkata
Largest Delta
- Sunderban Delta, W. Bengal
Largest Dome in India
- Gol Gumbaz, Bijapur (Karnataka)
Largest Zoo (India)
- Zoological Gardens, Alipur, Kolkata
Largest man-made Lake in India
- Govind Vallabh Pant Sagar (Rihand Dam)
Largest Desert in India
- Thar (Rajasthan)
Largest lake (Freshwater) in India
- Wular Lake (Kashmir)
Largest Mosque in India
- Jama Masjid, Delhi
Largest State (Area) in India
- Rajasthan
Largest cave temple in India
- Kailash temple, Ellora (Maharashtra)
Largest animal Fair in India
- Sonepur (Bihar)
Largest State (Population) in India
- Uttar Pradesh
Largest corridor in India
- Rameshwaram temple corridor (Tamil Nadu)
Largest cantilever span bridge
- Howrah Bridge (Kolkata)
Largest forest state in India
- Madhya Pradesh
Largest Stadium in India
- Salt lake (Yuva Bharti), Kolkata
Largest Port in India
- Mumbai
Largest Gurudwara in India
- Golden Temple, Amritsar
Largest river island
- Majuli (Brahmaputra river, Assam)
Largest Planetarium in India
- Birla Planetarium (Kolkata)
Largest Lake (Saline water) in India
- Chilka Lake, Orissa
Largest City in Population
- Tokyo
Largest Continent
- Asia
Largest (Population) Country
- China
Largest (Electorate) Country
- India
Largest Creature
- Blue Whale
Largest Delta
- Sunderban (Bangladesh & India)
Largest Desert (World)
- Sahara (Africa)
Largest Desert (Asia)
- Gobi
Largest Dam (World)
- Grand Coulee Dam (U.S.A.)
Largest Diamond in the World
- The Cullinan
Largest Dome in the World
- Astrodome, in Housten (U.S.A.)
Largest Epic in the World
- Mahabharat
Largest Irrigation Scheme in World
- Lloyd Barrage, Sukkur (Pakistan)
Largest Island (World)
- Greenland
Largest Sea in the World
- Mediterranean sea
Largest Lake (Artificial) in the World
- Lake Mead (Boulder Dam)
Largest Lake (Freshwater) in the World
- Superior
Largest Lake(Saltwater) in the World
- Caspian
Largest Library in the World
- United States Library of Congress, Washington D.C.
Largest Museum in the World
- British Museum, London
Largest Ocean
- Pacific
Largest Park in the World
- Yellow Stone National Park (U.S.A.)
Largest Peninsula in the World
- Arabia
Largest River(deepest) in the Worlds
- Amazon (South America)
Largest Sea-bird
- Albatross
Largest Radio Telescope
- New Mexico (U.S.A.)
Highest City in the World
- Van Chuan (China)
Tallest Statue
The Statue of Unity, Gujarat (India)
Highest Volcano in the World
- Ojos del Salado (Andes, Ecuador)
Highest Waterfall in the World
- Angel (Venezuela)
Highest Lake in the World
- Titicaca (Bolivia)
Highest Dam (World)
- Hoover Dam (U.S.A.)
Highest Capital in the World
- La Paz (Bolivia)
Highest Tower (India)
- Pitampura Tower, Delhi
Highest Waterfall in India
- Gersoppa waterfall (Karnataka)
Highest mountain peak in India
- Godwin Austin (K2)
Highest Dam in India
- Tehri Dam on Bhagirathi River
Highest Gateway in India
- Buland Darwaza, Fatehpur Sikri (Agra)
Highest straight gravity Dam
- Bhakra Dam
Highest Lake in India
- Devata (Garhwal)
Highest Award in India
- Bharat Ratna
Highest Gallantry Award in India
- Paramveer Chakra
Highest Battlefield in India
- Siachin Glacier
Highest Airport in India
- Leh (Laddakh)
Tallest Animal in the World
- Giraffe
Fastest Bird in the World
- Peregrine Falcon
Smallest Bird in the World
- Humming Bird
Tallest Building in the World
- Burj, Dubai (UAE)
Biggest City(Area) in the World
- Mount Isa Australia
Costliest City in the World
- Tokyo
Smallest Continent
- Australia
Biggest Country(Area) in the World
- Russia
Deepest Lake in the World
- Baikal (Siberia)
Highest Mountain Peak in the World
- Mount Everest (Nepal)
Longest Mountain Range in the World
- Andes (S. America)
Biggest Palace in the World
- Vatican (Italy)
Coldest Place(Habitat) in the World
- Verkhoyank (Siberia)
Driest Place in the World
- Iqique (In Atacama Desert, Chile)
Hottest Place in the World
- Azizia (Libya, Africa)
Biggest Planet
- Jupiter
Brightest Planet
- Venus
Highest Plateau in the World
- Pamir (Tibet)
Smallest Planet
- Mercury
Rainiest Place in the World
- Mawsynram (Meghalaya, India)
Brightest Star
- Sirius
World’s first Tramway
- New York
Most Active Volcano in the World
- Maunaloa (Hawaii-U.S.A.)
Lowest body Water in the World
- Dead Sea
Densest populated State in India
- West Bengal
Biggest Hotel in India
- ITC Grand Chola, Chennai(600 rooms)
Smallest State (Area) in India
- Goa
Smallest State (Population) in India
- Sikkim
Deepest river valley in India
- Bhagirathi & Alaknanda

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