International Criminal Police Organisation (INTERPOL)

Foundation Date: 1914

Headquarter: France.

President: Mrs. Mireille Ballestrazzi

Member Countries: 190

The idea of INTERPOL was born in 1914 at the first International Criminal Police Congress, held in Monaco. This meeting brought together police officers and judicial representatives from 24 countries to find ways to cooperate on solving crimes, notably arrest and extradition procedures, identification techniques and the idea of centralized criminal records.

Over the past 100 years, cooperation among police forces internationally has become firmly grounded in practice as crimes and criminals have moved increasingly beyond national borders.

Officially created in 1923, INTERPOL – the International Criminal Police Organization – has seen its membership grow steadily over the years. Today, 190 member countries work together on a daily basis, using the databases, tools and secure communications systems that the Organization offers.

While its ? vision and mission remain in line with the original goals of the meeting in 1914, the Organization continues to evolve in response to the needs of its member countries, the emergence of new crime trends, and innovations in technology.

Vision and mission

  • Connecting police for a safer world - Our Vision is that of a world where each and every law enforcement professional will be able through INTERPOL to securely communicate, share and access vital police information whenever and wherever needed, ensuring the safety of the world's citizens. We constantly provide and promote innovative and cutting-edge solutions to global challenges in policing and security.
  • Preventing and fighting crime through enhanced cooperation on police matters - We facilitate the widest possible mutual assistance between all criminal law enforcement authorities. We ensure that police services can communicate securely with each other around the world. We enable global access to police data and information. We provide operational support on specific priority crime areas. We foster continuous improvement in the capacity of police to prevent and fight crime and the development of knowledge and skills necessary for effective international policing.

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