General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. India's exports to which of the following regions did not increase during the FY 2022-23?
1) North America
2) Northeast Asia
3) European Union
4) Latin America

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Q. Which of the following state­ments is incorrect about Angel Tax?
1) Angel tax requires start-ups to pay income tax on capital received at a premium to their fair valuation
2) The excess of funds raised by an unlisted company at prices above fair value is treated as income, on which tax is levied
3) Angel tax applies to resident Indian investors only
4) Investments over and above the fair market value are taxed at 22.88%

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Q. Who among the following is the new Chairperson of the Com­petition Commission of India?
1) Ashok Kumar Gupta
2) Sangita Verma
3) Ravneet Kaur
4) Avanish Awasthi

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Q. The Competition Commission of India has set up its regional offices at-
I. Mumbai
II. Ahmedabad
III. Chennai
IV. Kolkata
V. Bhopal
Correct code is -

1) Only I, II, and III
2) Only II, III, and IV
3) Only I, III, and IV
4) All I, II, III, IV, and V

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Q. Applications of Quantum tech­nology is/ are -
I. Cryptography, drug dis­covery, and Material Science.
II. Ultra-secure transmission of data
III. GPS navigation, telecommu­nication, and fundamental physics research
IV. Energy storage and super­conductivity.
The correct code is -

1) Only I, and II
2) Only II, and III
3) Only I, III, and IV
4) All I, II, III, and IV

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Q. Consider the following facts about the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) 1999 -
I. FEMA was enacted as a reform over the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act (FERA) 1973.
II. FEMA came into force on the 1st day of June 2000.
III. Violations of FEMA pro­visions are punishable only in monetary terms.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?

1) Only I, and II
2) Only II, and III
3) Only II
4) All I, II, and III

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Q. The total outlay approved for IT hardware PLI 2.0 is -
1) ₹15000 crore
2) ₹17000 crore
3) ₹20000 crore
4) ₹22000 crore

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Q. Which of the following Acts has/have been repealed so far -
I. Foreign Exchange Regula­tion Act, 1973.
II. Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969.
III. The Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling, Activities Act, 1974.
The correct code is -

1) Only I
2) Only I, and II
3) Only II
4) All I, II, and III

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Q. Which of the following states is at the top of India Manufacturing Innovation Index 2022?
1) Maharashtra
2) Kerala
3) Karnataka
4) Tamil Nadu

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Q. The SATHI portal launched by the Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmer's welfare will ensure -
1) Quality assurance system, identify the source of seed in the seed production chain
2) Quality assurance system, identify the source of chemical fertilizer in the chemical fertilizer production chain
3) Remunerative price for organic products
4) The quick supply of agri­cultural inputs

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