General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. Who among the following trans­lated 300 volumes of Sanskrit books collected by Firoz Tuglaq during the campaign of Nagarkot?
1) Azizuddin Khan
2) Talib Amuli
3) Mulla Abdul Baqi
4) Mirza Muhammad Ali

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Q. Which of the following pairs (School of Thought - Proponent) is correctly matched?
1) Vaisheshika - Patanjali
2) Mimansa - Kanada
3) Nyaya - Gautama
4) Uttara Mimansa - Kapila

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Q. Which among the following rulers of Kashmir abolished Zaziya and Cow Slaughter?
1) Shamsuddin Shah
2) Sikandar Shah
3) Zain-ul-Abidin
4) Haider Shah

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Q. Consider the reigns of following Peshwas and arrange them in chronological order -
I. Balaji Viswanath
II. Bajirao - I
III. Narayan Rao
IV. Madhav Rao - I
Select the correct answer using the code given below -

1) I, III, II, IV
2) I, II, III, IV
3) II, I, IV, III
4) I, II, IV, III

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Q. Which of the following is not correctly matched?
1) Iltutmish - Father of Razia
2) Shah Turkan - Wife of Iltutmish
3) Hamida Banu Begum - Wife of Allaudin Khilji
4) Gulbadan Begum - Daughter of Babur

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Q. The eastern boundary of the Harappa culture is indicated by which of the following?
1) Harappa
2) Alamgirpur
3) Rakhigarhi
4) Manda

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Q. Which officer was known as 'bhagadugha' during the Vedic administration?
1) Messenger
2) Chief Officer of Forests
3) Chief Officer of the Gambl­ing Department
4) Revenue Collector

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Q. Charak Samhita is divided into how many chapters and sections?
1) 120 chapters and 8 sections
2) 100 chapters and 5 sections
3) 80 chapters and 7 sections
4) 60 chapters and 8 sections

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Q. 'Milind Panho' is in the form of a dialogue between King Milind and a Buddhist Saint. The con­cerned saint was -
1) Nagarjun
2) Nagbhatt
3) Nagasena
4) Kumaril Bhatt

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Q. With reference to the invaders in ancient India, which one of the following is the correct chrono­logical order?
1) Greeks - Sakas - Kushans
2) Greeks - Kushans - Sakas
3) Sakas - Greeks - Kushans
4) Sakas - Kushans - Greeks

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