General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. Reflex arcs are evolved in animals for quick and efficient responses. Which one of the following sequences correctly represents a reflex arc?
1) Receptor - Sensory neuron - Relay neuron in spinal cord - Brain - Motor neuron - Effector
2) Receptor - Sensory neuron - Brain - Relay neuron in spinal cord - Motor neuron - Effector
3) Receptor - Motor neuron - Relay neuron in spinal cord - Sensory neuron - Effector
4) Receptor - Motor neuron - Brain - Sensory neuron - Effector

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Q. Which of the following is essential for the thyroid gland to make thyroxin?
1) NaCl
2) KCl
3) Cholesterol
4) Iodine

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Q. In plant cells, RNA is present in -
1) cytoplasm only
2) nuclei and cytoplasm only
3) nuclei, cytoplasm, mito­chondria, chloroplast and endo­plasmic reticulum
4) nuclei, cytoplasm, mito­chondria, chloroplast and ribosomes

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Q. In grasses, the intercalary meristem is usually located at -
1) root tip
2) lateral sides of stem
3) base of leaves
4) shoot tip

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Q. Xylem is a type of complex tissue in plants for the upward conduction of water. Which one of the following xylem tissues consists of living cells?
1) Tracheid
2) Vessel
3) Xylem parenchyma
4) Xylem fibre

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Q. The r.m.s. the potential difference between the red live wire and a black neutral wire in Indian domestic electric supply is -
1) 160V
2) 220V
3) 300V
4) 410V

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Q. The hydrogen bomb and the uranium bomb are based, res­pectively on -
1) nuclear fusion and fission
2) fission and thermonuclear fusion
3) geothermal fission and fusion
4) geothermal fusion and fission

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Q. Sound and light waves are -
1) respectively longitudinal and transverse in air
2) respectively transverse and longitudinal in air
3) both longitudinal in air
4) both transverse in air

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Q. What is the chemical composition of a soda-acid type fire extin­guisher?
1) Solution of sodium hydro­gen carbonate and sulfuric acid
2) Solution of sodium carbo­nate and sulfuric acid
3) Solution of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid
4) Solution of sodium chloride and sulfuric acid

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Q. Consider the following state­ments -
While diluting concentrated nitric acid solution
(1) the concentration of (H3O+) ions/volume increases
(2) water must be added slowly to concentrated acid
(3) acid must be added slowly to water
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

1) All 1, 2, and 3
2) Only 1 and 2
3) Only 3
4) Only 2 and 3

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