General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. India's first indigenously developed Remote Sensing Satellite was launched through -
1) Cape Kennedy
2) Baikonur
3) Sriharikota
4) French Guiana

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Q. Which of the following (State - Number of Members in Lok Sabha) is not correctly matched?
1) Himachal Pradesh - 4
2) Gujarat - 26
3) Haryana - 10
4) Jharkhand - 16

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Q. The term 'Hindustan' was used for the first time in the inscriptions of which dynasty?
1) Mauryan
2) Mughal
3) Sassanian
4) Kushan

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Q. Which of the following Articles of the Indian Constitution provides for a Public Services Commission for the Union and a Public Service Commission for each state?
1) Article 312
2) Article 318
3) Article 320
4) Article 315

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Q. In which city of United Provinces (Presently Uttar Pradesh) a meeting of the revolutionaries from all parts of India was called in 1924?
1) Bareilly
2) Kanpur
3) Lucknow
4) Meerut

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Q. Which of the following viruses was assessed to be responsible for the highly infectious disease of smallpox?
1) Adenovirus
2) Aichi virus
3) Variola virus
4) Coxsackie virus

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Q. Which of the following is not a fundamental duty?
1) To develop scientific temper, humanism, and spirit of inquiry and reform
2) To protect and improve the natural environment
3) To strive towards abolition of untouchability
4) To cherish and follow the noble ideas which inspired our national struggle for independence

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Q. Which is not true with 5G technology of mobile communication?
1. Data downloading is faster.
2. Driverless cars are possible.
3. Domestic appliances can be controlled with a mobile phone.
4. The existing cell phone can be used.
The correct answer is -

1) 4
2) 1 and 3
3) 1, 2 and 3
4) 2 and 4

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Q. Which of the following rivers is not included in 'Panchnad'?
1) Jhelum
2) Indus
3) Sutlej
4) Beas

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Q. Which is not an advantage of optical communication?
1) Higher Bandwidth
2) Higher Speed
3) No electric noise
4) No magnetic noise

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