General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. Which of the following (Revolts during Shah Jahan's Reign - Leader of the Revolt) is not correctly matched?
1) Tibet Revolt - Abdal
2) Revolt of Kangra - Jagat Singh
3) Revolt of Bhils in Malwa - Laxman Singh
4) Revolt of Bundelkhand - Champat Rai

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Q. In which of the following literary works, some parts are found from the architectural work namely 'Adhai Din Ka Jhonpra'?
1) Prithviraj Vijay
2) Kirti Kaumudi
3) Harikeli Natak
4) Prithviraj Raso

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Q. Which of the following (Research Institute-Location) is not correctly matched?
1) Forest Research Institute - Dehradun
2) Arid Forest Research Institute - Jodhpur
3) Himalayan Forest Research Institute - Shimla
4) Institute of Wood Science and Technology - Hyderabad

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Q. What is the name of the Aero­space company owned by billionaire Jeff Bezos?
1) Space-X
2) Amazonia
3) Blue Origin
4) Dragon

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Q. Which of the following (Pass - State/Union Territory) is not correctly matched?
1) Debsa - Himachal Pradesh
2) Niti - Uttarakhand
3) Chang La - Sikkim
4) Banihal - Jammu & Kashmir

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Q. With reference to the Pur anas, which of the following state­ments is/are correct?
(1) Vishnu Purana is considered more reliable for the history of Mauryans.
(2) Matsya Purana is considered more reliable for the history of Andhras.
Select the correct answer using the code given below -

1) Only 1
2) Only 2
3) Both 1 and 2
4) Neither 1 nor 2

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Q. Who said for the first time about the Indian National Congress that, "it is representing only a microscopic minority class"?
1) Lord Curzon
2) Lord Dufferin
3) Lord Minto
4) Lord Irwin

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Q. Which Indian Institution has developed an 'Intensive Care Unit' (ICU) grade ventilator under the name of 'Project Praana'?
1) IISC, Bengaluru
2) IIT, Kharagpur
3) AIIMS, Delhi
4) AIIMS, Patna

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Q. Originally 'Bhagwat Geeta' is part of which Parva of Mahabharat?
1) Drona Parva
2) Anushasan Parva
3) Shanti Parva
4) Bhishma Parva

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Q. When did the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 come into force?
1) July 1, 1961
2) April 1, 1961
3) March 11, 1961
4) April 23, 1961

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