General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. Kovalai lake is located in -
1) Karnataka
2) Tamil Nadu
3) Telangana
4) Chhatisgarh

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Q. COJ-64 and CO7717 are early maturing varieties of -
1) Brinjal
2) Toordal
3) Sugercane
4) Cotton

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Q. The smallest possible unit of a chemical compound is -
1) Atom
2) Electron
3) Proton
4) Molecule

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Q. A solution with pH =2 is more acidic than a solution of pH = 6 by a factor of -
1) 4
2) 12
3) 400
4) 10000

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Q. It is not advisable to sleep under a tree at night because trees release -
1) Carbon dioxide
2) Oxygen
3) Carbon Monoxide
4) Sulphur dioxide

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Q. An iron hammer, Iying in the sun, appears much hotter than its wooden handle because -
1) Iron is at a higher temperature
2) Iron is darker than wood
3) Iron absorbs more heat
4) Iron is a good conductor of heat

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Q. Light from the nearest star reaches the earth in -
1) 4.3 seconds
2) 4.3 minutes
3) 43 minutes
4) 4.3 years

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Q. What is washing soda?
1) Sodium chloride
2) Hydrated sodium carbonate
3) Sodium bicarbonate
4) Calcium carbonate

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Q. Where do copper, gold, iron, and coal respectively find in India?
1) Kollar, Khetari, Kudremukh, Jharia
2) Jharia, Kollar, Kudremukh, Khetari
3) Kudremukh, Jharia, Kollar, Khetari
4) Khetari, Kollar, Kudremukh, Jharia

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Q. While sowing seeds the fertilizer commonly used contains -
1) Nitrates
2) Potash
3) Phosphorus
4) Calcium

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