General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. Which of the following are collections of biographical notes and historical events arranged dynasty-wise it is a history of Muslim kings, their military chiefs, and officials.
1) Fatwa-i-Jahandari
2) Tahqiq-i-Hind
3) Tabaqat-i-Nasiri
4) Insha-e-Mahru

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Q. Which one of the following rivers includes panchnad river system?
1) Indus
2) Sutlej
3) Cauvery
4) Krishna

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Q. What was the number of categories of Jizya taxpayers during the Delhi Sultanate period?
1) Two
2) Three
3) Five
4) Six

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Q. Which among the following is an incorrect statement regarding market regulations by Ala-ud- din Khilji?
1) The price controls were regulated on almost the entire market
2) They vanished immediately after the death of the sultan
3) The price controls were regulated on almost the entire market
4) All are correct

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Q. Who among the following is known as King Makers in Indian History?
1) Sayyid Brothers
2) Hussain Brothers
3) Hassan Family
4) Tardi Begh

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Q. Which of the following are the five centers for manufacturing swords as mentioned in Agni Purana during the medieval period?
1. Anga
2. Vanga
3. Surparaka
4. Rishika
5. Khatikhattara

1) Only 1, 3 and 5
2) Only 2, 3 and 5
3) Only 1, 2 and 4
4) All 1, 2, 3,4 and 5

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Q. Which of the following was the head of the board of infantry in the Mauryan administration?
1) Padadhyaksha
2) Rathadhyaksha
3) Asvadhyaksha
4) Hastyadhyaksha

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Q. Which of the following major rock edict prohibited animal sacrifice?
1) First Edict
2) Second Edict
3) Third Edict
4) Fourth Edict

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Q. Indian Penal Code, Civil Procedure Code, and Criminal Procedure Code were passed during the reign of which of the following Viceroys of India?
1) Lord Canning
2) Lord Mayo
3) Lord Lytton
4) Lord Dufferin

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Q. Who were Domingo Paes and Barbosa with respect to medieval India?
1) Venetian travelers
2) Persian travelers
3) Arab travelers
4) Portuguese travelers

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