General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the tense -
How long ____________ learning English?

1) had you
2) have you been
3) has you be
4) has you been

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Q. Which of the following artificial sweeteners has the highest sweet­ness value in comparison to cane sugar?
1) Saccharin
2) Alitame
3) Aspartame
4) Sucrolose

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Q. Which of the following food groups is the main source of carotenoids?
1) Fats and sugars
2) Fruits and vegetables
3) Milk and meat products
4) Cereals, grains and their products

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Q. What was the first commercially grown, genetically engineered food crop approved for human consumption?
1) Soyabean
2) Tomato
3) Rice
4) Brinjal

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Q. The maximum prescribed concentra­tion of copper in drinking water is -
1) 15 ppm
2) 12 ppm
3) 8 ppm
4) 3 ppm

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Q. On average, urea excreted by a healthy adult human per day is -
1) 10-15 mg
2) 150-200 mg
3) 2 - 2.5 gm
4) 25 - 30 gm

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Q. Which of the following is an autoimmune disease?
1) Rheumatoid arthritis
2) Hepatitis-B
3) Type 2 diabetes
4) Filariasis

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Q. The developer of the 'BRAHMOS' missile, M/s Brahmos Aerospace Private Limited (BAPL) is a joint venture of India and -
1) China
2) USA
3) Japan
4) Russia

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Q. Which of the following is a surface-to-surface missile?
1) Pralay
2) Akash
3) Rudram
4) Astra

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Q. SMTP in networking meant for -
1) Simple Mail Transfer Proto­col
2) Simple Message Transfer Protocol
3) Simple Mail Transport protocol
4) System Mail Transport Protocol

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