General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) was established in the year -
1) 2014
2) 2015
3) 2016
4) 2017

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Q. Which one of the following central features is not associated with Capitalist Economy?
1) There is generalized commodity production, it has a market value
2) Productive wealth is held predominantly in private hands
3) Economic life is organized according to market principles
4) Economic organization is based on planning, a supposedly rational process of resource allocation

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Q. Blue Helmets are -
1) United Nations Peace-keepers
2) Violent Non-State Actors
3) Civil Society Organisations
4) Environmental Organisation

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Q. India is still a young country as the median age of its population is -
1) Less than 25 years
2) Between 25 to 30 years
3) Between 30 to 35 years
4) Between 35 to 40 years

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Q. Which one of the following is not a category under which the President of India nominates Members of Parliament?
1) Literature
2) Science
3) Art
4) State Service

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Q. With reference to the BrahMos missile, consider the following statements -
1. It has a flight range of up to 290 km.
2. It is capable of attaining a speed of 2-8 Mach.
3. Its cruising altitude could be up to 30 km.
Which of the statements given above is I are correct?

1) 1 and 2
2) Only 2
3) 1 and 3
4) Only 3

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Q. The term Thermal High Altitude Area Defense, sometimes mentioned in the news, refers to -
1) Anti-Missile system
2) Air-launched cruise missile
3) Aircraft navigation system
4) Surface-to-air guided weapon

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Q. P-75 I (or P-75 India) project refers to the manufacture of -
1) Diesel-electric submarines
2) Nuclear-powered sub-marines
3) Aircraft carrier warships
4) Field guns

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Q. This sentence consists of an italic word followed by four options. Select the option that is nearest in meaning to the italic word.
He was appointed as the honorary member of the team.

1) paid
2) invited
3) accepted
4) unpaid

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Q. This sentence consists of an italic word followed by four options. Select the option that is nearest in meaning to the italic word.
The flood situation during the monsoon this year was calamitous.

1) abundance
2) catastrophic
3) encouraging
4) welcome

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