General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. The book Gokhale, My Political Guru was Written by -
1) C. R. Das
2) M. A. Jinnah
3) Shaukat Ali
4) M. K. Gandhi

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Q. Who fixes the REPO rate in India?
1) IMF - International Monetary Fund
2) RBI - Reserve Bank of India
3) NITI Ayog
4) SEBI - Securities and Exchange Board of India

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Q. National Science Day is observed on -
1) 28th February
2) 5th January
3) 14th March
4) 2nd June

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Q. The antacid marketed as milk of magnesia has as the main ingredient -
1) MgSO4
2) MgCI2
3) MG(HO)2
4) MgCO3

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Q. Which blood vessels carry pure blood from the lungs to the heart?
1) Pulmonary veins
2) Cardiac artery
3) Cardiac vein
4) Pulmonary arteries

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Q. Who first gave the concept of 'Distributive Justice'?
1) Machiavelli
2) Aristotle
3) Plato
4) Locke

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Q. DHCP is mainly used in -
1) Routing
2) Converting IP address to domain name
3) Providing IP address automatically to the devices
4) Multicasting

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Q. 40° N latitude acts as the demarcation line between -
1) Egypt and Sudan
2) North and South Vietnam
3) USA and Canada
4) North and South Korea

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Q. The island of Honshu in Japan is famous for -
1) Iron ore
2) Diamonds
3) Coal
4) Oil

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Q. The first person ever to reach the south pole was -
1) Magellan
2) Peary
3) Amundsen
4) Amerigo Vespucci

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