General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. Which of these natural resources is considered as non-renewable resource?
1) Timber
2) Fossil Fuels
3) Solar Energy
4) Wind Energy

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Q. Which one of the following is a group of millet crops?
1) Bajra, Maize, Kodo, Sorghum
2) Ragi, Bajra, Kodo, Moong
3) Kodo, Bajra, Maize, Kangani
4) Sorghum, Kodo, Kangani, Ragi

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Q. National Research Centre on camel is located at -
1) Jodhpur
2) Avikanagar
3) Bikaner
4) Ajmer

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Q. Out of the total Oxygen present in the earth's atmosphere, the estimated production of oxygen by the Amazon forest through photosynthesis is -
1) 40 per cent
2) 50 per cent
3) 70 per cent
4) 20 per cent

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Q. Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotech­nology is situated at -
1) Thiruvananthapuram
2) Faridabad
3) Jodhpur
4) New Delhi

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Q. Which of the following do not grow in polluted areas?
1) Pseudomonas
2) Algae
3) Lichen
4) Gymnosperms

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Q. Species of Plasmodium which causes Malignant Malaria -
1) Vivax
2) Falciparum
3) Ovale
4) Malarial

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Q. Which one of the following dis­eases is not a bacterial disease?
1) Diphtheria
2) Plague
3) Pneumonia
4) Dengue

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Q. The Red Blood cells of a person with Blood group 'O' contains Agglutinogen -
1) (A) and (B) both
2) Only(B)
3) Neither (A) nor (B)
4) Only (A)

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Q. Choose the wrong statement regard­ing proteins -
1) We obtain proteins from both animals and plants
2) Proteins are made of amino acids
3) About 30 per cent of our body weight comes from proteins
4) Proteins are called building block of our body

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