General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. The terms 'Pinaka and Smerch' mentioned in news recently refer to -
1) Cruise missiles
2) Nuclear-powered submarines
3) Rocket launcher systems
4) Weaponized drones

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Q. In the recently formed grouping of countries generally known as the 'Middle-East Quad', in addition to India, which of the following are other members?
1) Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the USA
2) Israel, UAE, and the USA
3) Egypt, UAE, and the UK
4) Israel, Saudi Arabia and UK

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Q. Which one of the following statements is correct regarding LOFAR (Low-Frequency Array)?
1) It is the world's most powerful radio antenna
2) It is a space technology launched by NASA to discover exoplanets
3) It is an arrangement of satellites in space for the purpose of creating a Satellite Navigation System
4) It is a wireless communication technology for 5G services

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Q. What is a 'Unicorn Company' often mentioned in Indian news?
1) Any privately held startup company with a value of over $ 1 billion
2) Any public sector company to be merged with another public sector company
3) Privatization of any loss-making State-owned company
4) Any foreign multinational company doing business in India in collaboration with ai Indian company

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Q. Recently, the term 'two-pillar solution/two-pillar package' often seen in the news, refers -
1) Global energy security in the near future
2) International cyber crime reporting
3) Minimum global corporate tax
4) Prevention of International money laundering

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Q. Which one of the following is an exhaustible but renewable natural resource?
1) Solar energy
2) Water in usable conditions
3) Soil
4) Landscape in the natural condition

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Q. Which one of the following was not included in the terms and conditions of the Subsidiary Alliance System of Lord Wellesley?
1) The British would protect their ally
2) The ally was free to enter into agreements with other rulers or engage in warfare
3) In the territory of the ally, a British armed contingent would be stationed
4) The ally would have to provide resources for the maintenance of the British armed contingent

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Q. Which one of the following pairs of Newspaper and Editor is not correctly matched?
1) Navjiva - Mahatma Gandhi
2) Mahratta - Bal Gangadhar Tilak
3) Bengalee - Surendranath Banerjee
4) Voice of India - Gopal Krishna Gokhale

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Q. The headquarters of the Ghadar Movement/Party were at -
1) San Francisco
2) Stanford University
3) Portland
4) Florida

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Q. Which of the following was/ were the founder member(s) Hindustan Socialist Republican Army established in September 1928?
1. Bhagat Singh
2. Jatindranath
3. Ajay Ghosh
4. Phanindranath Ghosh
Select the correct answer using the codes given below -

1) Only 1
2) Only 2 and 3
3) Only 1,2 and 3
4) 1,2, 3 and 4

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