General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. Which one of the following elements is least likely to be found in commercial fertilizers?
1) Nitrogen
2) Phosphorus
3) Potassium
4) Silicon

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Q. The moon has no atmosphere because -
1) on the atmosphere has ever formed there
2) the rock surface completely absorbed the gases
3) due to the low temperature, gases have condensed
4) its gravitational pull is not strong enough to hold an atmosphere

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Q. Photophobia is -
1) a disease caused by too much sunlight
2) Abnormal intolerance of light
3) the adjustment of the eye for light
4) the ability to perceive light

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Q. The brain of a normal human adult weighs about -
1) 1 lb
2) 2 lb
3) 3 lb
4) 4 lb

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Q. The theory of inheritance of acquired characters was propounded by -
1) Charles Darwin
2) Gregor Mendel
3) J. B. Lamarck
4) Weismann

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Q. The numbers of chromosomes in human body is -
1) 42
2) 44
3) 46
4) 48

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Q. The escape velocity of a rocket fired from the earth towards the moon is the velocity to get rid of the -
1) earth's gravitational pull
2) moon's gravitational pull
3) centripetal force due to earth's rotation
4) pressure of the atmosphere

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Q. The chief constituent of gobar gas is -
1) ethane
2) methane
3) hydrogen
4) carbon dioxide

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Q. What is the function of a dynamo?
1) To convert heat energy into light energy
2) To convert light energy into heat energy
3) To convert mechanical energy into electrical energy
4) To convert electrical energy into mechanical energy

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Q. Which of the following acts as a resistance against disease in the body?
1) Carbohydrates
2) Red corpuscles
3) Vitamins
4) White corpuscles

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