General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. The Arab traveler Suleman visited India in the reign of Pratihar King -
1) NagbhattII
2) Nagbhatt I
3) Vatsraj
4) Bhoj I

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Q. The brave Chauhan ruler of Ajmer who conquered Delhi and annexed it in his kingdom was -
1) Vigraharaj IV
2) Arnoraj
3) Ajayaraj
4) Prithviraj III

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Q. Which of the following is not a measure of selective credit control?
1) Change in lending margins
2) Sale of government securities
3) Credit rationing
4) Moral suasion

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Q. According to Article 217(1) of the Constitution, a Judge other than the Chief Justice of Rajasthan High Court is appointed by the President after consultation with -
1) Chief Justice of Rajasthan High Court, Attorney General of India and Governor of Rajasthan
2) Governor of Rajasthan, Chief Justice of India, and Chief Justice of Rajasthan High Court
3) Union Law and Justice Minister and Governor of Raja­sthan
4) Chief Justice of India and Governor of Rajasthan

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Q. Consider the following state­ments -
i. The Lok Sabha Elections of 1989 marked the end of, what Political Scientists have called, the 'Congress System'.
ii. Indian National Congress emerged as the single largest party in the 1989 Lok Sabha Elections.

1) Neither (i) nor (ii) is correct
2) Both (i) and (ii) are correct
3) Only (ii) is correct
4) Only (i) is correct

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Q. Which one of the following Com­mission did recommend the establishment of an Inter­Government Council in place of an Inter-State Council?
1) Rajmannar Commission
2) Punchhi Commission
3) Administrative Reforms Commission, 1969
4) Sarkaria Commission

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Q. Which of the following sections of the Right to Information Act is not related to the functions and powers of the Central Infor­mation Commission?
1) 25
2) 19
3) 18
4) 12

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Q. Which one of the following state­ments is not correct regarding the 'No-Confidence Motion'?
1) 27 No-Confidence Motions, 9 Confidence Motions have been moved till 15th August, 2023
2) Lal Bahadur Shastri faced the most No-Confidence Motions per office year
3) The member who wants to move No-Confidence Motion give notice to the speaker of the Lok Sabha in writing
4) No-confidence motion can be moved only in Lok Sabha

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Q. Identify the incorrect statement regarding Council of States (Rajya Sabha) -
1) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan is the only Chairman of Rajya Sabha for two consecutive terms
2) For the first constitutional amendment, ratification of the Rajya Sabha was not taken
3) Currently eight members are elected to Rajya Sabha from the Union Territories
4) There have been three occasions, when joint sitting of Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha was held

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Q. Nathmal Ji Ki Haveli is located in -
1) Barmer
2) Bikaner
3) Jodhpur
4) Jaisalmer

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