General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. Which of the following Indian states has the highest road density?
1) West Bengal
2) Uttar Pradesh
3) Madhya Pradesh
4) Kerala

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Q. Which of the following is a cold current?
1) Brazil's Current
2) Gulf Stream
3) Benguela Current
4) Agulhas Current

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Q. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
1) Foehn - Alps Mountain
2) Bora - Siberia
3) Mistral - Rhine Valley
4) Khamsin - Egypt

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Q. Which one of the following states has the lowest percentage of Scheduled Tribe population as a percentage of its total population according to Census 2011?
1) Uttar Pradesh
2) Bihar
3) Tamil Nadu
4) Madhya Pradesh

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Q. Who was considered the pioneer of Shivaji with regard to System of Guerilla War?
1) Malik Baqbaq
2) Malik Chhajju
3) Malik Ambar
4) Malik Kafur

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Q. A rolling ball stops after a certain distance. Why does it stop?
1) Due to Coulomb forces
2) Due to gravitational forces
3) Due to frictional forces
4) None of the above

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Q. Which type of mirror is used in automobiles to see the traffic on the rear side?
1) Convex mirror
2) Concave mirror
3) Plane mirror
4) None of the above

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Q. Who started vaccination?
1) Jonas E. Salk
2) Edward Jenner
3) Paul Muller
4) Robert Frost

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Q. Corpuscles present in the blood, related to immunity are -
1) RBC
2) WBC
3) Platelets
4) None of the above

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Q. A solar cell converts solar energy into which energy?
1) Sound energy
2) Mechanical energy
3) Chemical energy
4) Electrical energy

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