General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. Haryana was established as a separate state by which of the following acts?
1) The Acquired Territories Merger Act 1960
2) Himachal Pradesh & Bilaspur (new State) Act 1954
3) States Reorganization Act of 1956
4) Punjab Reorganization Act, 1966

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Q. Which of the following is the principal cause of soil damage in Punjab and Haryana?
1) Salinity and water-logging
2) Deforestation
3) Ravine erosion
4) Overgrazing

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Q. When International Geeta Mahotsav 2023 was held?
1) 1 to 17 December
2) 4 to 21 December
3) 7 to 24 December
4) 10 to 27 December

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Q. What is the 'State of Food and Agriculture report'?
1) It is an annual report published by the World Health Organization (WHO) summariz­ing global trends in food con­sumption.
2) It is a biennial report released by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) providing an overview of the world’s food and agricultural situation.
3) It is a monthly report pro­duced by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) focusing on sustainable development in the agriculture sector.
4) It is a quarterly report by the International Fund for Agricul­tural Development (IFAD) asses­sing the impact of climate change on global food production

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Q. Often seen in the news, the Corrup­tion perception index is released by -
1) Transparency international
2) United Nations General Assembly
3) World Bank

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Q. Concerning biofortified seeds, which statement is accurate?
1) Biofortified seeds are gene­tically modified organisms (GMOs) with enhanced resis­tance to pests
2) The primary goal of bio­fortified seeds is to increase crop yield through genetic modifica­tion
3) Biofortified seeds are deve­loped to enhance the nutritional content of crops, addressing specific nutrient deficiencies
4) Organic farming practices exclude the use of biofortified seeds

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Q. Which one of the following is the context in which the term 'qubit' is mentioned?
1) Cloud Services
2) Quantum Computing
3) Visible Light Communica­tion Technologies
4) Wireless Communication Technologies

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Q. 'Prachand', mentioned in the news sometimes, is a -
1) Light Combat Aircraft
2) Light Combat Helicopter
3) Crossover Utility Vehicle
4) Light-weight autonomous UAV

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Q. Houthi rebels/tribals hail from -
1) Syria
2) Lebanon
3) Yemen
4) Palestine

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Q. Consider the following state­ments regarding 5G Technology:
1. 5G or the fifth generation is the latest upgrade in the long­term evolution (LTE) mobile broadband networks.
2. 5G works only in high frequency spectrum.
3. 5G is set to be as much as 100 times faster than 4G.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?

1) 1 and 2
2) 1 and 3
3) 2 and 3
4) 1, 2 and 3

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