General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.
The angles are equal, consequen­tly the sides are __________

1) equal
2) unequal
3) larger
4) smaller

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Q. Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the word 'SINKS' from the given sentence.
Groups work together to create Christmas parade themes, which are then carried out in floats, musical groups, and strolling figures.

1) Floats
2) Create
3) Parade
4) Strolling

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Q. In the given sentence, one word may have been incorrectly spelled. Select the correctly spelled word from the given alternatives. If there is no error, select 'No error' as your answer.
The erroneous information spread rapidly across the nation and created a stir.

1) erronous
2) No error
3) eronneous
4) errauneous

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Q. Select the correct active form of the given sentence.
Has the villa been occupied by them?

1) Did they occupied the villa?
2) Had they occupied the villa?
3) Have they occupied the villa?
4) Do they occupied the villa?

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Q. Select the correct passive form of the given sentence.
Manu will tell her later.

1) She will be tell later by Manu
2) She will tell later by Manu
3) She will be told later by Manu
4) She will be tell later

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Q. Select the correct indirect form of the given sentence.
She said, "I am in no mood to work now."

1) She said that she has been in no mood to work then.
2) She said that she was in no mood to work now.
3) She said that she was in no mood to work then.
4) She said that she has been in no mood to work now.

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Q. Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the correct order to form a meaning­ful and coherent paragraph.
(a) When this extra water vapour condenses into precipitation, it results in heavier rain or, if it's cold enough, heavier snow.
(b) The atmosphere can store an additional 4% of water vapour for every additional 1°F of warming.
(c) More water evaporates from soils, plants, lakes, and seas as the atmosphere warms.
(d) One of the most obvious indications of climate change is heavier rainfall.

1) c, b,d, a
2) d, c, b, a
3) a, c, d, b
4) b, c, a, d

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Q. The foremost right among rights to freedom is -
1) Right to life and personal liberty
2) Preventive detention
3) Freedom to assemble
4) Right to freedom of speech and expression

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Q. Burning of coal is an example of -
1) decomposition reaction
2) double displacement reaction
3) combination reaction
4) displacement reaction

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Q. In which of the following Indian states, Harappan cities have not been found?
1) Uttarakhand
2) Gujarat
3) Rajasthan
4) Haryana

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