General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. Consider the following state­ments about moon missions -
I. Russia has launched Luna 25, the country's first lunar lander in 47 years.
II. Russia's Luna-25 mission ended in disappointment as the spacecraft crashed on the Moon.
III. Only three countries have managed successful moon landings the Soviet Union, the United States, and China.
How many statements given above is are correct?

1) Only 1
2) Only 2
3) All the 3
4) None of the above

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Q. Which of the following state­ments is/are correct about Lithium-ion batteries?
I. Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery has one of the highest energy densities of any battery technology today (100-265 Wh/kg or 250-670 Wh/L).
II. Li-ion battery cells can deliver up to 3.6 Volts, 3 times higher than techno­logies such as Ni-Cd or Ni­MH.
The correct code is -

1) Only I
2) Only II
3) Both I and II
4) Neither I nor II

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Q. Consider the following facts about The Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2023-
I. A data protection board will be appointed by the Central government.
II. The government is fully empowered to exempt state agencies from the law.
III. Users have the right to correct or erase their data.
IV. Certain provisions of the Right to Information Act 2005 have been amended through this Bill.
How many facts given above is/are correct?

1) Only 1
2) Only 2
3) Only 3
4) All the 4

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Q. Indian Navy conducted bilateral exercise 'Zayed Talwar' with which country?
1) Saudi Arabia
2) Iran
3) United Arab Emirates
4) Indonesia

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Q. India celebrated its 77th Inde­pendence Day on August 15, 2023, marking the country's independence from the British Raj 76 years ago. Which of the following countries also celebrate their Independence Day on August 15?
I. North Korea
II. South Korea
III. The Republic of the Congo
IV. Bahrain
V. Liechtenstein
The correct code is -

1) Only I, II, and III
2) Only III, IV, and V
3) Only I, and II
4) All I, II, III, IV, and V

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Q. Which of the following state­ments is not correct about the National Handloom Day?
1) The origin of National Hand­loom Day has its roots back in the Swadeshi Movement of 1905
2) The National Handloom Day was observed for the first time in the year 1950
3) National Handloom Day is observed on August 7
4) The theme of 2023's National Handloom Day was 'Handlooms for Sustainable Fashion'

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Q. LK-99 was in the news. What is it?
1) A room temperature super­conducting material
2) Newly developed assault rifle
3) Light Combating aircraft
4) A micro planet

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Q. Which of the following cities experienced "Zero Shadow Day" phenomenon on August 3, 2023?
1) Nagpur
2) Vishakhapatnam
3) Hyderabad
4) Kolhapur

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Q. Which of the following state­ments is incorrect about JALDOST?
1) Volunteers working in water scarce areas
2) An airboat that operates on water to remove excess aquatic weed and floating waste from water bodies
3) It has been developed by the National Aerospace Labora­tories (NAL)
4) It has a closed airtight pon­toon type hull to make it inherently unsinkable

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Q. What is Q-plane?
1) An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
2) A term used in trigonometry
3) A light combat aircraft
4) A surveillance boat

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