Q. Green manure is obtained from -
1) Domestic vegetable waste
2) Oil-seed husk cakes
3) Fresh animal excreta
4) Decomposing green legume plants
Q. The best example of Polyembryony is -
1) Cocoa
2) Capsicum
3) Citrus
4) Cycas
Q. Which of the following is a chromoprotein?
1) Mucin
2) Haemoglobin
3) Peptones
4) Vitelline
Q. Root Hairs arise from -
1) Cortex
2) Pericycle
3) Epidermis
4) Endodermis
Q. A parenchyma cell that stores ergastic substance is known as -
1) Phragmoblast
2) Idioblast
3) Conidioplast
4) Chloroplast
Q. Rhizobium is a kind of -
1) Photosynthetic bacteria
2) Symbiotic bacteria
3) Parasitic bacteria
4) Saprophytic bacteria
Q. The space retaining life in any form is called -
1) Biomass
2) Biosphere
3) Lithosphere
4) Hydrosphere
Q. Which one of the following statements is incorrect about muscles in the human body?
1) Muscles work in pairs
2) Muscles become shorter, stiffer, and thicker when contracted
3) Muscles can only push the bone
4) None of the above
Q. The most important cell type associated with the immunity of the body is -
1) platelets
2) lymphocytes
3) RBCs
4) None of the above
Q. Female Anopheles can be distinguished from female Culex because it sits -
1) at an angle with sub-stratum
2) parallel to the surface of the substratum
3) at right angle to the surface of substratum
4) None of the above