General Knowledge: Biology Questions Answer GK Quiz

Biology Question Answer 2025, Biology Quiz Questions 2025

Q. Which one of the following is NOT a component of the human male reproductive system?
1) Cervix
2) Urethra
3) Seminal vesicle
4) Vas deferens

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Q. The part of the human eye on which the image is formed is -
1) pupil
2) cornea
3) retina
4) iris

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Q. Cartilage is NOT found in -
1) larynx
2) nose
3) ear
4) urinary bladder

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Q. Which one of the following plant tissues has dead cells?
1) Epidermis
2) Parenchyma
3) Collenchyma
4) Sclerenchyma

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Q. In prokaryotic organisms, the nuclear region is not surrounded by a membrane. This undefined nuclear region is known as -
1) Nucleic acid
2) Nucleoid
3) Nucleolus
4) Nucleosome

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Q. Which one of the following statements is correct about the effects of antibiotics on viruses?
1) Virsues are “non-living” entities but it can interact with antibiotics
2) Taking antibiotics cures viral infections
3) Viruses do not possess metabolic pathways on which antibiotics can function, whereas bacteria have such pathways
4) Viruses are resistant to antibiotics

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Q. Which one of the following cell organelles may play a role in expelling excess water and wastes in the case of unicellular organisms?
1) Lysosome
2) Vacuole
3) Golgi body
4) Endoplasmic reticulum

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Q. Which of the following is not an eye disease/disorder?
1) Glucoma
2) Amblyopia
3) Acoustic Neuroma
4) Strabismus

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Q. Flexibility in plants is due to -
1) Collenchyma
2) Sclerechyma
3) Parenchyma
4) Chlorenchyma

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Q. Plasmodium Vivex is -
I. A Protozoal parasite
II. A Human Pathogen
III. The most frequent and widely distributed cause of recurring Malaria.
The correct code is -

1) Only I and II
2) Only III
3) Only II and III
4) All I, II and III

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