General Knowledge: Business And Economics Questions Answer GK Quiz

Business And Economics Question Answer 2025, Business And Economics Quiz Questions 2025

Q. Which of the following fixed the four per cent inflation target in India with tolerance level of +/- 2 per cent for the period 2016 to 2021?
1) NITI Aayog
2) Reserve Bank of India
3) Fourteenth Finance Commission
4) Government of India

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Q. In terms of the share in Foreign Direct Investment Equity inflows, in India during 2016-17, which of the following countries is on the top ?
1) Japan
2) Mauritius
3) U.S.A.
4) Singapore

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Q. Why companies go for business process re-engineering with the help of technology ?
1) The ace of change has acelerated with the liberalisation of economies world over
2) Customers’ demand and expectations are continuously increasing
3) All of these
4) IT being leveraged to provide competitive edge in products and services at lower costs

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Q. Eleventh Five Year Plan emphasised on -
1) Faster and more inclusive growth
2) Economic Growth with Social Just ice
3) Faster, sustainable and more inclusive growth
4) Economic Growth and Human Development

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Q. Assertion (A) : Cost push inflation is caused by shift in aggregate supply curve..
Reason (R) : Shift in aggregate supply curve takes place because of increase in wages.

1) (A) is true, but (R) is false
2) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
3) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
4) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)

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Q. The most volatile part the Organised money market in India is -
1) Call Money Market
2) Government Security Market
3) Certificate of Deposit Market
4) Commercial Bill Market

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Q. In humans trisomy of chromosome number 21 is responsible for -
1) Down Syndrome
2) Haemophilia
3) Turner Syndrome
4) Klinefelter Syndrome

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Q. Consider following statements about Electoral Bond Scheme 2018 :
1. The aim of this scheme is to bring about transparency in the funding process of political parties.
2. Only the political parties recognized by the Election Commission which secured not less than two per cent of the votes polled in the last general election to the House of people or the Legislative Assembly of the State shall be eligible to receive the Electoral Bonds.
3. Electoral Bonds shall be valid for fifteen calendar days from the date of issue.
4. The Electoral Bond deposited by an eligible political party in its account shall be credited on the same day.
Which of the above statements are correct ?

1) Only 2, 3 and 4
2) Only 1 and 2
3) Only 1, 3 and 4
4) Only 1, 2 and 3

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Q. Which of the following items provide maximum revenue in the Revenue Receipts of Rajasthan budget in recent years ?
1) Non-tax revenue
2) Share in central taxes
3) Union grant
4) State’s tax revenue

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Q. The Bharat Electronics Ltd. (BEL) is collaborating with ISRO to develop -
1) Nuclear technology
2) Agro technoloy
3) C-DAC
4) GaAs solar cells

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