General Knowledge: Computer Questions Answer GK Quiz

Computer Question Answer 2024, Computer Quiz Questions 2024

Q. Which of the following keyboard shortcuts displays the start menu in the Windows operating system?
1) Ctrl + Z
2) Alt + Spacebar
3) Ctrl + Esc
4) Alt + Enter

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Q. A system program designed to aid the programmer in finding and correcting errors or bugs is known as -
1) Evaluator
2) Debugger
3) Quarantiner
4) Corrector

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Q. Microsoft Excel is a -
1) MS office package
2) Electronic Spreadsheet
3) Graphic package
4) Financial planning package

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Q. Which memory is both static and non-volatile ?
2) ROM
4) RAM

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Q. Which table is an operating system that contains information about all the open files?
1) open table
2) open-location table
3) open-seek table
4) open-file table

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Q. The two ways to arrange multiple windows on the desktop are -
1) cascade and tile
2) drag and drop
3) point and click
4) minimize and maximize

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Q. Which of the following is a programming language for creating special programs like applets?
1) Java
2) cable
3) domain name
4) Net

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Q. Which of the following is true about Assembly Language?
1) It is an object oriented programming language
2) It is a high-level programming language
3) It is a low-level programming language
4) It is a language for assembling computers

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Q. ER Diagram in DBMS is a graphical method used to represent -
1) Primary key and candidate key
2) Entity class and their relationships
3) Objects and methods with functions
4) Entity class and relationship to foreign key only

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Q. The set of instructions which tell a computer what to do is called -
1) Matter
2) Instructor
3) Compiler
4) Program

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