General Knowledge: History Questions Answer GK Quiz

History Question Answer 2025, History Quiz Questions 2025

Q. Who was the founder of the city of Jaipur?
1) Maharana Pratap
2) Rana Sanga
3) Raojodha
4) Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II

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Q. In the context of Indian history, the principle of 'Dyarchy (diarchy)' refers to -
1) Division of the central legislature into two houses
2) Introduction of double government i.e., Central and State Governments
3) Having two sets of rulers; one in London and another in Delhi
4) Division of the subjects dele­gated to the provinces into two categories

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Q. By which one of the following Acts was the Federal Court in India created?
1) Indian Council Act, 1861
2) Government of India Act, 1909
3) Government of India Act, 1919
4) Government of India Act, 1935

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Q. Who among the following was not among the seven members of the Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly?
1) Alladi Krishnaswamy Ayyar
2) Dr. K. M. Munshi
3) Syed Mohammad Saadullah
4) G. V. Mavalankar

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Q. "Sir Syed was a prophet of education" who said this?
1) Mahatma Gandhi
2) Sree Narayana Guru
3) Chattambi Swamikal
4) Tilak

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Q. Which of the following statements is related to the provision of the Charter Act of 1833?
1) Allowed the Company's monopoly of tea trade and trade with China
2) Put an end to the company's tea trade and trade with China
3) Has not interfered with Company's tea trade and trade with China
4) Allowed the Company's monopoly of tea trade and trade with China for ten years

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Q. Who had founded the Deccan Educational Society?
1) Dadabhai Naoroji
2) C. R. Das
3) Swami Vivekananda
4) Mahadeva Govind Ranade

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Q. The first Indian who was elected to the leadership of the Commu­nist International was -
1) S. A. Dange
2) S. S. Joshi
3) M. N. Roy
4) P. C. Joshi

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Q. Who is regarded as the 'father of modern India' ?
1) Raja Rammohan Roy
2) Swami Dayananda Saras­wati
3) Sri Aurobindo
4) Bhagat Singh

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Q. Which of the following national leaders did not defend soldiers of the Indian National Army in the 1945 case dealing with trial?
1) Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru
2) Bhula Bhai Desai
3) Rajagopalachari
4) Jawaharlal Nehru

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