General Knowledge: Judicial Questions Questions Answer GK Quiz

Judicial Questions Question Answer 2024, Judicial Questions Quiz Questions 2024

Q. Through which of the following Amendment Acts the rights in the coparcenary property is made available to a girl child as well?
1) The Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2002
2) The Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2004
3) The Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005
4) The Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2006

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Q. A Hindu boy and a Hindu girl may be married under the follow­ing law:
I. The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955
II. The Special Marriage Act, 1954

1) Only 1 is correct
2) Only 2 is correct
3) Both 1 and 2 are correct
4) Neither 1 nor 2 is correct

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Q. What is 'a contract of marriage which may be dissolved by the wife under a power delegated to her' called under the Muslim Law?
1) Talaq-us-sunnat
2) Talaq-ul-biddat
3) Talaq-i-tafweez
4) Talaq-a-hasan

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Q. What is the meaning of the batil marriage in Muslim Law?
1) Valid marriage
2) Void marriage
3) Voidable marriage
4) Irregular marriage

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Q. Section 13(1) of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 provides for the following:
1. Grounds for restitution of conjugal rights
2. Grounds for judicial separa­tion
3. Grounds for divorce

1) 1 and 2
2) 2 and 3
3) 3 and 1
4) Only 3

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Q. Which of the following is gene­rally not considered as a valid condition for a Hindu marriage as per the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955?
1) The parties should not have a spouse living at the time of the marriage
2) The parties should be within the degrees of prohibited rela­tionship
3) The parties should not be sapindas of each other
4) The parties should not be suffering from epilepsy

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Q. When may two persons be said to be related to each other by half-blood in accordance with the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955?
1) When they are descended from a common ancestor by the same wife
2) When they are descended from a common ancestor by different wives
3) When they are descended from a common ancestress by different husbands
4) When they are not descen­ded from a common ancestor at all

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Q. Which of the following is incor­rect with respect to the arbitration agreement as per the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996?
1) The arbitration agreement may be written as well as oral
2) The arbitration agreement may be in the form of a separate agree­ment
3) The arbitration agreement may be in the form of an arbitration clause in a contract
4) The arbitration agreement may be for all or certain disputes which may arise between the parties

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Q. In which of the following cir­cumstances an arbitrator may not be challenged as per the Arbi­tration and Conciliation Act, 1996?
1) When a justifiable doubt as to his independence arises
2) When a justifiable doubt as to his impartiality arises
3) When he possesses the quali­fications agreed by the party
4) When the becomes ineligible as per the seventh schedule of the Act

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Q. Which of the following offenses may be tried summarily as per the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973?
1) Offence under Section 454 of the IPC
2) Offence under Section 504 of the IPC
3) Offence punishable with imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years
4) Offence punishable with life imprisonment

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