Q. The Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) has signed MoU with TIFAC for supporting forest-based communities. Where is the headquarters of ICFRE located ?
1) Hyderabad
2) Bengaluru
3) Allahabad
4) Dehradun
Q. The Barh Super Thermal Power Station (BSTPS) is located in which State?
1) Bihar
2) Karnataka
3) Rajasthan
4) Punjab
Q. The International Solar Alliance (ISA) has recently signed a pact with which international organization to promote solar energy deployment in Asia and Pacific?
1) Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
2) New Development Bank
3) African Development Bank
4) Asian development Bank
Q. India has signed a tripartite MoU with which countries for civil nuclear cooperation ?
1) USA and Nepal
2) Japan and Myanmar
3) Russia and Bangladesh
4) Germany and Sri Lanka
Q. The size of marginal landholding in India is -
1) more than 5 hectares
2) 2 hectares to 4 hectares
3) 1 hectare to 2 hectares
4) less than 1 hectare
Q. The base year for All-India Wholesale Price Index (WPI) has been changed by the Government of India from 2004-05 to -
1) 2010-11
2) 2011-12
3) 2012-13
4) 2013-14
Q. According to Indian Population Census, 2011, the percentage of literacy among males and females both is lowest for the State of -
1) Arunachal Pradesh
2) Andhra Pradesh
3) Bihar
4) Jammu-Kashmir
Q. The average size of landholdings in Bihar in comparison with other States is -
1) lowest
2) second lowest
3) highest
4) second highest
Q. The latest per capita income at current prices is lowest for the Indian State of -
1) Bihar
2) Uttar Pradesh
3) Odisha
4) Nagaland
Q. The latest annual per capita consumption of electricity in Bihar is -
1) lowest
2) second lowest
3) highest
4) second highest
Interior design is a fun and creative field. It mixes art and practicality to make spaces look good and work well. With more people wanting great places to live and work, the need for skilled interior designers is rising. Let’s look at what it takes to have a career in interior design, including nee →
Foundation Date: December 8, 1991 Headquarters: The Republic of Belarus Executive Secretaries: Sergei Lebedev Member Countries: 12 Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) was established on December 8, 1991, and the leaders of the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine signed an a →
In 2009, an unknown programmer by the name of Satoshi Nakamoto put forward a whitepaper that proposed a creation of new form of digital currency - cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency functions the same way as regular currencies do in that its used as a means of exchange, unit of account and a store of va →
Headquarter: New Delhi Function and Objective of the Organization: The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)has been established under Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 which consolidates various acts & orders that have hitherto handled food-related issues in various Ministries →
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