General Knowledge: Miscellaneous Questions Answer GK Quiz

Miscellaneous Question Answer 2025, Miscellaneous Quiz Questions 2025

Q. Green Revolution has led to
1) An increase in the regional inequalities
2) An increase in inter-personal inequalities
3) Maximum additional to wheat production
4) All of these

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Q. What is meaning of one unit carbon permit?
1) One cubic metre of carbon dioxide
2) One quintal carbon dioxide
3) One metric ton of carbon dioxide
4) One million ounce of carbon dioxide

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Q. A few combinations of names of companies and their products are given below. Choose the right option -
1) Amazon - Kindle; Roxio - Angry Birds; Google - Ad Sense; Zynga - Nook
2) Amazon - Kindle; Nintendo - Wii; Rovio - Angry Birds; Zynga - Castle Ville
3) Zynga - Angry Birds; Nintendo - Wii; Google - Ad Sense; Rovio - Castle Ville
4) Amazon - Nook; Nintendo - Wii; Rovio - Castle Ville; Roxio - Kindle

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Q. Given below are some well-known awards and their respective fields. Choose the correct combination -
1) Palme d'Or - Television; Pulitzer - Advertising; Grammy - Music; Booker-Literature
2) Pulitzer - Advertising; Grammy - Music; Cannes Lions- Advertising; Booker - Literature
3) Grammy - Music; Booker - Journalism; Emmy - Television; Palme d'Or - Movies
4) Palme d'Or - Movies; Pulitzer - Journalism; Cannes Lions- Advertising; Booker - Literature

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Q. Which of followings combination belongs to Bretton Woods institute?
1) IMF, World Bank
2) IMF, WTO, Doha Round
3) World Bank, WTO, IBRD
4) None of the above

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Q. Which of the following countries would account for maximum petroleum production of the world?
1) Saudi Arabia, Iran, Kazakhstan, US, Nigeria
2) Russia, US, Iran, China, Saudi Arabia
3) Saudi Arabia, US, Venezuela, Iran, Iraq
4) Iran, Iraq, saudi Arabia, Libya, Venezuela

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Q. Which of the following are Millennium Development Goals?
1) Poverty eradication, reducing child mortality, reducing trade barriers, combating AIDS
2) Poverty Reduction, environment sustainability, universal primary education, equal employment
3) Reduce unemployment, promote diversity, combating malaria, improving maternal health
4) Poverty eradication, improving maternal health, universal primary education, combating AIDS

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Q. What is Davos famous for?
1) It is best known tourist place of Switzerland
2) EU financial headquarters
3) G8 members meet here, every year
4) World Economic Forum

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Q. The nuclear plant disaster in Chernobyl took place in -
1) 1996
2) 1980
3) 1986
4) 1992

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Q. The burning of fossil fuel produces
1) Soil pollution
2) Water pollution
3) Air Pollution
4) All of the above

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