General Knowledge: Objective English Questions Answer GK Quiz

Objective English Question Answer 2025, Objective English Quiz Questions 2025

Q. Fill in the blank with an appropriate word.
Elephants .............. when they perceive danger.

1) trumpet
2) frolic
3) whine
4) sing

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Q. Fill in the blank with an appropriate word.
It was a .................. experience. Everybody was shocked.

1) terrified
2) horrified
3) terrifying
4) denouncing

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Q. Fill in the blank with an appropriate word.
I was ............ with the film; I had expected it to be better.

1) disappointed
2) disappointing
3) annoying
4) prejudiced

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Q. Fill in the blank with an appropriate word.
There was a time when West Germany was a distinct ......................

1) policy
2) polity
3) abstract
4) hierarchy

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Q. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idioms/phrases.
Give somebody a leg up

1) To pull someone down
2) To deceive and betray someone
3) To help someone for their livelihood
4) To help someone to be successful

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Q. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idioms/phrases.
A hunky-dory situation

1) There are serious issues among people
2) There are no problems and people are happy
3) There is war and bloodshed all over
4) There is no work , only enjoyment

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Q. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idioms/phrases.
Fire in the belly

1) Fear and hatred
2) Powerful ambition
3) Love and dedication
4) Lethargy and indifference

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Q. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idioms/phrases.
A clarion call

1) A trumpet call
2) An intimidating voice
3) A strong request
4) An urgent order

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Q. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idioms/phrases.
Turn topsy-turvy

1) To completely change something
2) To completely evaluate something
3) To enjoy yourself greatly
4) To exhaust yourself completely

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Q. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idioms/phrases.
Pull your socks up

1) To get well-dressed for the occasion
2) Improve your work or behaviour
3) To speak in an honest way without hesitation
4) To be in control of an organization, often secretly

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