General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. Bagalihar, Dulhasti, and Salal hydropower projects have been developed on which of the following rivers?
1) Chenab and Jhelum
2) Chenab and Indus
3) Ravi
4) Chenab only

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Q. Which one of the following mountains lies between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea?
1) Caucasus
2) Carpathians
3) Apennine
4) Elburz

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Q. Which one of the following is a major environmental issue in eastern Canada?
1) Acid precipitation
2) Groundwater depletion
3) Land degradation
4) Desertification

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Q. The principle that the framing of the new Constitution for independent India should be primarily (though not solely) the responsibility of Indians themselves, was for the first time conceded in the -
1) Government of India Act, 1935
2) August Offer of Viceroy Linlithgow
3) Cripps Proposals
4) Cabinet Mission

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Q. Who among the following had organised, in 1904, a secret society of revolutionaries named Abhinav Bharat ?
1) Khudiram Bose
2) Shyamji Krishna Verma
3) Har Dayal
4) V. D Savarkar

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Q. Which one among the following was NOT a Panch Sheet principle?
1) Peaceful co-existence
2) Mutual respect for territorial integrity
3) Nuclear deterrence
4) Non-interference in internal affairs

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Q. Which one of the following statements about the Revolt of 1857 is correct?
1) It was a Revolt carefully organized and planned by the Rajas, Nawabs, and Taluqdars
2) Rumors and prophecies did not play any role in its outbreak and spread
3) The rebel proclamations in 1857 repeatedly appealed to all sections of the population irrespective of their caste and creed
4) The British succeeded in quickly and easily controlling the rebels

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Q. What was Damin-i Koh in Rajmahal area?
1) A large area of land demarcated and declared to be the land of the Santhals
2) The land of the Paharias cultivated exclusively for paddy
3) The British territory was marked for their military camp
4) The land earmarked for locating settled agriculturists

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Q. What was the consequence of Permanent Settlement on rural society in Bengal?
1) The zamindars invested capital and enterprise to improve agriculture along the lines of British yeoman farmers
2) A group of rich peasants known as jotedars succeeded in consolidating their position in the villages
3) The ryots prospered as a result of the fixed revenue levy imposed on them
4) The system of Collectorate introduced by the Company for exercising supervisory control on zamindars failed to take off

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Q. Which one of the following is the natural vegetation of South east China?
1) Subtropical broadleaf evergreen forest
2) Tropical broadleaf evergreen forest
3) Tropical deciduous forest
4) Temperate evergreen forest

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