General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. The duration of monsoon in India extends for an average period of -
1) 80 -140 days
2) 100-120 days
3) 90- 130 days
4) 100-140 days

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Q. Which one of the following is NOT a current of the Pacific Ocean?
1) Oyashio Current
2) Alaska Current
3) Agulhas Current
4) California Current

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Q. For an area to be excluded from the drought-prone category, what percentage of its gross cropped area should be under irrigation?
1) 10 percent or more
2) 20 percent or more
3) 25 percent or more
4) 30 percent or more

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Q. Dry land farming in India is largely confined to areas with rainfall less than -
1) 100 cm
2) 85 cm
3) 80 cm
4) 75 cm

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Q. Land Revenue Records maintained in India have categorised land-use into -
1) 6 categories
2) 9 categories
3) 15 categories
4) 21 categories

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Q. The United Nations Charter was signed by 51 original members of the United Nations in 1945 at the -
1) The Hague Conference
2) London Conference
3) San Francisco Conference
4) Berlin Conference

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Q. The Panama Canal opened in 1914, and links -
1) Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea
2) Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean
3) Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean
4) Adriatic Sea and Black Sea

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Q. Which one of the following statements is correct about the effects of antibiotics on viruses?
1) Virsues are “non-living” entities but it can interact with antibiotics
2) Taking antibiotics cures viral infections
3) Viruses do not possess metabolic pathways on which antibiotics can function, whereas bacteria have such pathways
4) Viruses are resistant to antibiotics

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Q. Which one of the following terms describes the practice of growing two or more crops simultaneously on the same piece of land?
1) Crop rotation
2) Mixed cropping
3) Intercropping
4) Mixed farming

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Q. Which one of the following cell organelles may play a role in expelling excess water and wastes in the case of unicellular organisms?
1) Lysosome
2) Vacuole
3) Golgi body
4) Endoplasmic reticulum

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