General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. Natural resources should be used by the present generation in such a way that if there is mini­mum degradation of natural resources, then what kind of development would it be called?
1) Economic Development
2) Social Development
3) Sustainable Development
4) Organic Development

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Q. Which of the following is not an economic activity?
1) Farming
2) Service
3) Voluntary Social Service
4) Transportation

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Q. By which year the target of population stability has been fixed in India?
1) Year 2045
2) Year 2070
3) Year 2075
4) Year 2080

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Q. Which statement is true for Finance Sector (Fiscal Mana­gement) in the Union Budge - 2023?
1) Twenty years interest free loans to states.
2) Fiscal Deficit of 3.5% of GSDP allowed for states
3) Fiscal deficit 2025-26, the target is to be below 5.5%
4) Budget estimates 2023-24 for total expenditure is ₹55 lakh Crore

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Q. According to Economic Survey 2023 about services, which state­ment among the following is not correct?
1) Credit growth to services is above 16% since July 2022
2) 75 digital banking units announced for transforming financial services
3) Fashion, grocery and gene­ral merchandise will be captured nearly two-third of the Indian e-commerce market by 2030
4) P.M.I. services witnessed strongest expansion since July 2022

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Q. Which of the following is/are the type/ s of poverty?
1. Absolute poverty
2. Relative poverty
3. Subjective poverty
4. Functional poverty
Choose the correct answer using the code given below -

1) Only 1 and 2
2) Only 1, 2 and 3
3) Only 3 and 4
4) Only 1 and 4

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Q. Which of the following (Scheme - Year) is not correctly matched?
1) Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gramin Kaushalya Yojana - 2014
2) Rural Housing Interest Subsidy Scheme - 2017
3) Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission - 2015
4) Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana -2014

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Q. Who has written the book "From Dependence to Self Reliance"?
1) Y. Venugopal Reddy
2) C. Rangrajan
3) Raghuram Rajan
4) Bimal Jalan

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Q. 15th BRICS Summit was held in -
1) Beijing
2) Rio de Janeiro
3) New Delhi
4) Johannesburg

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Q. Chandrayaan3 landed on moon on which of the following date -
1) 24th July 2023
2) 23rd August 2023
3) 31st July 2023
4) 15th August 2023

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