General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. What do we call balancing the need to use resources and also conserve them for the future?
1) Resource conservation
2) Sustainable development
3) Future resources
4) Reducing consumption

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Q. Which of the following is not a sustainable development goal targeted to be achieved by 2030?
1) Gender Equality
2) Zero Hunger
3) Good health and well being
4) Space Research

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Q. What is the theme of the Inter­national Day for the Eradication of Poverty for 2022-23?
1) Acting together to empower children, their families and communities to end poverty
2) Dignity for all in practice
3) Accelerating global actions for a world without poverty.
4) Coming together to end poverty and discrimination

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Q. Role of Human Resources in Economic development, which of the following statement/s is/are correct?
1. Effects of economic develop­ment on population growth.
2. Effects of population growth in economic development.
Select the correct answer using the code given below -

1) Only 1
2) Only 2
3) Both 1 and 2
4) Neither 1 nor 2

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Q. When was the Census work done for first time in India?
1) In the year 1850
2) In the year 1861
3) In the year 1871
4) In the year 1881

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Q. Who authored the book "The Challenge of World Poverty"?
1) Adam Smith
2) Gunnar Myrdal
3) Amartya Sen
4) Jean Dreze

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Q. Which one of the following is the main objective of Janani Suraksha Yojana?
1) Reduction in maternal mortality rate only
2) Reduction in neo-natal mortality rate only
3) Reduction in infant mortality rate only
4) Reduction in maternal and neo-natal mortality rate

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Q. 'Agenda-21' of Rio Summit, 1992 is related -
1) Sustainable development
2) Polluter - Pays principle
3) Environmental Education
4) Preservation of ozone layer

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Q. Consider the following state­ments about sustainable deve­lopment -
1. Based on the global indi­cator framework and data produced by National Statistical Systems and infor­mation collected at regional level, the United Nations Secretary General presents an Annual Sustain-able Development Goal Report.
2. Global Sustainable Develop­ment Report is produced to inform the quadrennial sustainable development goal review deliberations at the U.N. General Assembly once every quarter.
Select the correct answer using the code given below -

1) Only 1
2) Only 2
3) Both 1 and 2
4) Neither 1 nor 2

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Q. With reference to the Human Development Report, 2021-22, which of the following state­ment is/are correct?
1. India's rank on the Human Development Index has upgraded from 130 in 2020 in 132 in 2022
2. India's rank on the Human Development Index has stipped from 130 in 2020 to 132 in 2022.
Select the correct answer using the code given below -

1) Only 1
2) Only 2
3) Both 1 and 2
4) Neither 1 nor 2

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