General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. The Indian desert also known as Marusthali is believed to be under the sea during which one of the following ears?
1) Cenozoic era
2) Palaeozoic era
3) Mesozoic era
4) Archaean and Pre-Cambrian era

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Q. Which one of the following processes leads to the expansion of certain minerals as they take up water, causing additional stress in the rock?
1) Hydrolysis
2) Hydration
3) Oxidation
4) Carbonation

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Q. In which one of the following highlands of India can you find temperate forests called Sholas?
1) Nilgiris
2) Vindhyas
3) Satpuras
4) Himalayas

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Q. The acceleration due to gravity at the Earth's surface depends on -
1) it is mass only
2) its radius only
3) both its mass and radius
4) either it is mass or its radius

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Q. When water is heated from 0°C to 4°C, its density -
1) remains constant
2) increases
3) decreases
4) first increases then decreases to its original value

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Q. Which one of the following statements about the aperture of a convex lens is correct?
1) It is equal to its radius of curvature
2) It is equal to its focal length
3) It is independent of its radius of curvature
4) It is equal to half of its focal length

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Q. If an object is placed at the focus of a convex lens, its image is -
1) at the focus on the same side
2) at the focus on the opposite side
3) coincident with the lens
4) at infinity

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Q. An object is dropped from a height onto the floor. Which one of the following remains uniform as it falls?
1) Its acceleration
2) Its momentum
3) Its kinetic energy
4) Its potential energy

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Q. By which one of the following Constitutional Amendment Acts, was the Article 21A (Right to Education) inserted into the Constitution of India?
1) 83rd Amendment Act
2) 84th Amendment Act
3) 85th Amendment Act
4) 86th Amendment Act

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Q. Which of the following States has/have a bicameral legislature?
1. Andhra Pradesh
2. Telangana
3. Bihar
4. Uttar Pradesh
Select the correct answer using the code given below -

1) Only 1
2) Only 1, 2 and 3
3) Only 3 and 4
4) 1, 2, 3 and 4

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