General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. Tillyardembi Fossils of the world's first plant pollinators, called Tillyardembiids, were discovered recently in which country?
1) India
2) Russia
3) China
4) Greece

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Q. The Plain Language Act was passed by which of the follow­ing countries recently which requires Government officials to use simple and easily under­standable English language in official documents and web­sites?
1) Ireland
2) New Zealand
3) Germany
4) Australia

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Q. India signed the Economic Co­operation and Trade Agreement (ECTA) with which country?
1) Australia
2) USA
3) UK
4) UAE

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Q. The National Education Policy, 2020 emphasizes the integration of vocational education into mainstream education from which grade onwards?
1) Grade 8
2) Grade 10
3) Grade 12
4) Grade 6

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Q. In the universe, what are pulsars?
1) Rotating neutron stars
2) Explosion of a star
3) Radio waves emitted by a star
4) A group of stars

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Q. Which of the following are not the tastes of the tongue?
1. Sweet
2. Bitter
3. Salty
4. Spicy
5. Umami
6. Sour
7. Pungent
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

1) 1, 3 and 4
2) 4 and 7
3) 3 and 6
4) 2, 5 and 7

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Q. What is the full form of GPT in Chat GPT?
1) GUID Partition Table
2) Grooved Pegboard Test
3) Generative Pre-Trained Transformer
4) Glutamic Pyruvic Trans­aminase

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Q. Which of the following are com­puter languages?
1. Cobol
2. Python
3. Rust
4. Java
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

1) Only 1, 2 and 3
2) Only 3 and 4
3) Only 1 and 2
4) All of the above

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Q. In which of the following move­ments did Mahatma Gandhi make the first use of the hunger strike as a weapon?
1) Bardoli Satyagraha
2) Ahmedabad Strike
3) Rowlatt Satyagraha
4) Non-Cooperation Move­ment

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Q. Which treaty was signed after the Battle of Buxar?
1) The Treaty of Sugauli
2) The Treaty of Bassein
3) The Treaty of Salbai
4) The Treaty of Allahabad

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