General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. Which one of the following is the world's richest region from a marine biodiversity perspective, comprising twenty-one islands with estuaries, beaches, forests of the nearshore environment, seagrasses, coral reefs, salt marshes, and mangroves?
1) Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve
2) Sunderbans Biosphere Reserve
3) Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
4) Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve

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Q. The Triveni Canal has been constructed on which of the following rivers?
1) Sone
2) Gandak
3) Mayurakshi
4) Kosi

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Q. The other name of river Gandak is -
1) Mahananda
2) Narayani
3) Punpun
4) Burhi Gandak

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Q. Consider the following state­ments regarding the 'Gangetic Dolphin' -
1. The Gangetic River Dolphin has been categorized as 'endangered' under the IUCN's Red List.
2. It does not have a crystalline eye lens rendering it effecti­vely blind.
3. Navigation and hunting are carried out using echoloca­tion.
4. It has been recognized as India's National Aquatic Animal.
Which of the above statements are correct?

1) Only 1, 3 and 4
2) Only 2, 3 and 4
3) Only 1,2 and 4
4) All of the above

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Q. Which of the following National Parks/Wildlife Sanctuaries are in Bihar?
1. Valmiki National Parks
2. Dudhwa National Parks
3. Gajner Wildlife Sanctuaries
4. Bhimbandh Wildlife Sanctuaries
Select the correct answer using the codes given below -

1) 2 and 3
2) 1 and 3
3) 2 and 4
4) 1 and 4

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Q. Consider the following state­ments regarding the Vikramshila University in Bihar -
1. It was located in the present­day Banka district of Bihar.
2. It was established by King Gopapa-I of the Pala dynasty.
3. The 'Vajrayana' sect of Buddhism flourished here.
4. Other subjects like Astro­nomy, Logic, Law, Grammar, and Philosophy were also taught here.
Which of the above statements are incorrect?

1) 1 and 2
2) 1 and 4
3) 2 and 3
4) None of the above

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Q. In the context of Indian handi­crafts, what is 'Sujini' in Bihar?
1) A metal craft
2) A type of embroidery
3) A type of clay pottery
4) A type of glassware

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Q. In Indian art, the construction of 'Stupa', 'Chaitya', and 'Vihara' is related to which of the follow­ing?
1) Vaishnava sect
2) Buddhism
3) Shaiva sect
4) Ajivika sect

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Q. When was Bihar first separated from the Bengal Presidency under the British-ruled India?
1) 1947
2) 1936
3) 1912
4) None of above

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Q. According to the Chinese source, Meghavarman, the ruler of Sri Lanka, sent a missionary to which of the following Gupta Kings for permission to build a Buddhist temple at Gaya?
1) Chandragupta-II
2) Samudragupta
3) Chandragupta-I
4) None of them

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