General Knowledge: Chemistry Questions Answer GK Quiz

Chemistry Question Answer 2025, Chemistry Quiz Questions 2025

Q. Equilibrium established in a system in which two or more phases occur is called
1) Homogeneous equilibrium
2) Heterogeneous equilibrium
3) Stable equilibrium
4) None of the above

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Q. The temperature at which a real gas obeys the ideal gas laws over a wide range of pressure is called
1) Inversion temperature
2) Reduced temperature
3) Boyle temperature
4) Critical temperature

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Q. In a soild
1) Order effect and disorder effect are equal
2) Order effect of cohesive forces is less than disorder effect of thermal agitation of the molecules
3) Order effect of cohesive forces is greater than disorder effect of thermal agitation of the molecules
4) None of the above

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Q. Most reactive element among the following is
1) Fluorine
2) Iodine
3) Nitrogen
4) Oxygen

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Q. Which of the following has the lowest ionisation potential?
1) Bromine
2) Chlorine
3) Fluorine
4) Iodine

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Q. Which of the following copper alloys is used for the manufacture of control valves?
1) Brass
2) Bronze
3) Gun metal
4) German silver

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Q. Mean free path of gas molecules is dependent on
1) Viscosity of the gas
2) Velocity of gas
3) Volume of the gas
4) Temperature of the gas

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Q. Electrostatic repulsion force in a molecule is due to
1) Repulsion between the electrons for electrons and nuclei for nuclei contained in two different molecules
2) Repulsion between protons of the nuclei of the molecule
3) Repulsion between electrons of the molecule or molecules
4) None of these

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Q. Rate of diffusion of a gas is
1) Directly proportional to its density
2) Directly proportional to its molecular weight
3) Directly proportional to the square root of its molecular weight
4) Inversely proportional to the square root of its molecular weight

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Q. The equilibrium constant decreases with rise of temperature in the case of
1) Endothermic reaction
2) Exothermic reaction
3) Heterogeneous reaction
4) Homogeneous reaction

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