Q. Liquid is characterised by its
1) Fluidity
2) No definite shape but definite volume
3) Capacity to dissolve the solids
4) All of these properties
Q. Which of the following two elements are present in the largest number of compounds?
1) Carbon and hydrogen
2) Carbon and nitrogen
3) Carbon and oxygen
4) Oxygen and hydrogen
Q. The process which brings about chemical decomposition of a substance by water is called
1) Hydrogenation
2) Hypotrophy
3) Hybridisation
4) Hydrolysis
Q. Which of the following copper alloys is used for the manufacture of caps of cartridges?
1) Brass
2) Bronze
3) Gun metal
4) German silver
Q. Which of the following copper alloys is used for the manufacture of gears and bearings?
1) Brass
2) Bell metal
3) Gun metal
4) Aluminium bronze
Q. The rate constant for a first order reaction depends on
1) Initial concentration of reactants
2) Time of reaction
3) Extent of reaction
4) Temperature
Q. For the manufacture of cement, which of the following is used in the largest quantity?
1) Alumina
2) Calcium oxide
3) Gypsum
4) Silica
Q. Which of the following metals has the lowest melting point?
1) Lead
2) Lithium
3) Potassium
4) Sodium
Q. Semi-permeable membrane permits the flow of
1) Solute through it
2) Solvent throught it
3) Both (a) and (b) above
4) None of the above
Q. Which of the following copper alloys is used for the manufacture of resistance wire?
1) Aluminium bronze
2) German silver
3) Bell metal
4) None of these
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Foundation Date: December 8, 1991 Headquarters: The Republic of Belarus Executive Secretaries: Sergei Lebedev Member Countries: 12 Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) was established on December 8, 1991, and the leaders of the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine signed an a →
In 2009, an unknown programmer by the name of Satoshi Nakamoto put forward a whitepaper that proposed a creation of new form of digital currency - cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency functions the same way as regular currencies do in that its used as a means of exchange, unit of account and a store of va →
Headquarter: New Delhi Function and Objective of the Organization: The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)has been established under Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 which consolidates various acts & orders that have hitherto handled food-related issues in various Ministries →
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