Q. Cross sectional collection of data for proper analysis and logical collection of data of intensive character is known as -
1) Case study
2) Focused interview
3) Opinionnaire
4) Survey
Q. As a teacher, if a student fails to answer in your class, what will be your reaction?
1) Ask him/ her to sit down
2) Ask other student to answer
3) Punish him/ her
4) Try to encourage him/ her
Q. Which one is the basic requirement to maintain good discipline in the class?
1) Teaching skills
2) Corporal punishment
3) Division of labour
4) Decentralization of teaching
Q. Suppose an intelligent boy of your class requests for a particular book from you. What decision will you take in this case?
1) Telling-a-lie that the book is not with you
2) Giving a rationale that to help him is equal to curtail other student's right on the same book
3) Giving the book without any hitch for certain duration
4) Suggest him to purchase it for himself
Q. If a boy and a girl student came out of the cinema hall together, then you will think that -
1) Perhaps they met by chance otherwise they entered separately
2) Co-education has deserted modem educational values
3) It is the matter of pride that maturity has developed in our school youth
4) It is the time of women's Liberation, then why to ponder over the issue
Q. If majority of students in your class are weak you should -
1) Not care about the intelligent students
2) Keep your speed of teaching fast so that students comprehension level may increase
3) Keep your teaching slow
4) Keep your teaching slow along with some extra guidance to bright students
Q. A teacher in the class is -
1) The president of the group
2) A director of the group
3) A leader and guide of the group
4) All of the above
Q. When you are teaching students who belong to rich families and they are not taking any favourable interest in studies. What remedy would you like to suggest for improvement?
1) You will force the parents for private tuition
2) You will simply tell them students negligence
3) You will be more vigilant and request their parents to cooperate
4) You will try to change their attitudes
Q. If a student becomes unconscious during the period, what will you like to do?
1) Hurriedly rushing to the principal's office and canvassing for help impatiently
2) Giving first aid to the student and try to contact the school's doctor
3) Sending message to student's home and awaiting for his parents
4) Making arrangements to send the student to his home
Q. If a poor student is unable to deposit his monthly fees in time, what will you do in this condition?
1) Strike off his name and deprive him from class
2) You deposit his fees and give him opportunity to join the classes
3) Making mockery of the poor fellow
4) No sympathy with the student on economic matters
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