General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. In India census is held regularly every ........... year.
1) 8th
2) 10th
3) 12th
4) 5th

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Q. Which of the following pairs of musicians and their instruments is incorrect?
1) K. Vaidyanathan - Sitar
2) Pt. Ram Narayan - Sarangi
3) Ustad Vilayat Khan - Sitar
4) Bismillah Khan - Shehnai

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Q. Who moved the Objective Reso­lution that was later adapted as the Preamble of the Constitution of India?
1) Rajendra Prasad
2) J. B. Kripalani
3) Jawaharlal Nehru
4) B. R. Ambedkar

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Q. What is the average thickness of the continental crust of earth?
1) 300 km
2) 5 km
3) 30 km
4) 2.5 km

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Q. In which season in Sarhul cele­brated in Jharkhand?
1) Spring
2) Autumn
3) Monsoon
4) Winter

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Q. How much percentage of oxygen is present in the atmosphere?
1) 39%
2) 79%
3) 10%
4) 21%

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Q. Identify the correct chemical formula of chloroform -
1) CHCl3
2) CHCl
3) CHCl2
4) CH2Cl2

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Q. Harihara and Bukka established an independent state in Karnataka and established the capital city Vijayanagar on the banks of river ............... in 1336.
1) Betwa
2) Tungabhadra
3) Mahanadi
4) Tapi

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Q. What does the letter 'M' stand for in the MRTP Act 1969?
1) Monopolistic
2) Monopolies
3) Multi
4) Monopoly

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Q. As the river enters the plain it twists and turns forming large bends known as -
1) ox-bow
2) levees
3) floodplains
4) meanders

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