General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. Which of the following led the English company in the Battle of Plassey (1757)?
1) Lord Dalhousie
2) Captain Hodson
3) Warren Hastings
4) Robert Clive

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Q. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India is a -
1) two-member body
2) three-member body
3) single-member body
4) six-member body

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Q. Anand Singh Shyam and Dhanaiya Bai are artists of which of the following art?
1) Dhokra Art
2) Gond Painting
3) Pithora Painting
4) Bagh Printing

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Q. Pandit Dwarka Prasad Mishra was the Chief Editor of which of the following newspaper?
1) Suryodaya
2) Prabha
3) Lokmat
4) Sandhya

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Q. Who among the following Arab writers has given the description of Kalachuri ruler Gangeyadeva and his capital Tripuri?
1) Al-Bahari
2) Al-Masudi
3) Al-Biruni
4) Ibn Battuta

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Q. Which among the following Stupa gateway depicts the pilgrimage to the Bodhi tree by Ashoka with his two queens?
1) Bharhut
2) Sanchi
3) Sonari
4) Satdhara

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Q. Who said, "The Constituent Assembly alone can produce a Constitution indigenous to the country and truly and fully representing the will of the people"?
1) Mahatma Gandhi
2) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
3) Jawaharlal Nehru
4) Annie Besant

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Q. Which Act established the Dyarchy system in the Provi­nces?
1) The Government of India Act of 1935
2) The Government of India Act of 1919
3) The Indian Council Act of 1861
4) Morley-Minto Reforms of 1909

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Q. The 91st Amendment of the Indian Constitution provides -
1) ceiling of the size of the Council of Ministers
2) no enhancement of seats of Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha till 2026
3) bifurcation of the National Commission of SCs and STs
4) None of the above

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Q. When did Nehru introduce the 'Objectives Resolution' in the Constituent Assembly?
1) 9th December, 1946
2) 28 April, 1947
3) 22nd January, 1947
4) 13th December, 1946

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