General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. According to which Article of the Indian Constitution, can the President of India (in consultation with the Chief Justice) transfer a Judge of a High Court from one court to another?
1) Article 222
2) Article 227
3) Article 230
4) Article 237

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Q. In which year was the Reserve Bank nationalised?
1) 1949
2) 1935
3) 1969
4) 1992

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Q. Which of the following is a benefit of industrial development and foreign trade?
1) Increased competition
2) Reduced availability of goods
3) Decreased economic growth
4) Higher unemployment rates

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Q. Which Article of the Indian Con­stitution provides the provisions related to the impeachment of the President?
1) Article 53
2) Article 73
3) Article 61
4) Article 72

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Q. Who said the following words about Fundamental Rights: "A Fundamental Right should be looked upon, not from the point of view of any particular difficulty of that moment, but as something that you want to make permanent in this Consti­tution"?
1) M K Gandhi
2) Jawaharlal Nehru
3) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
4) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

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Q. From which Article does the President of India derive his/her pardoning power?
1) Article 72
2) Article 71
3) Article 73
4) Article 74

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Q. Which of the following is a major source of irrigation in Madhya Pradesh?
1) Ponds and Lakes
2) Canals and Rivers
3) Canals and Ponds
4) Wells and Tubewells

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Q. Which of the following rivers has made a deep gorge between the Akhrani and Mathwar hills?
1) Chambal
2) Son
3) Ken
4) Narmada

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Q. Bina river is a tributary of which of the following rivers?
1) Betwa
2) Dhasan
3) Bewas
4) Banas

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Q. Who was the Chief leader of the Santhal Revolt?
1) Siddho
2) Birsa Munda
3) Bhima Nayak
4) Swami Govindgiri

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