General Knowledge: Questions Answer GK Quiz

Question Answer 2024, Quiz Questions 2024

Q. The Atlas Mountains are located in which continent?
1) Africa
2) North America
3) South America
4) Australia

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Q. Which of the following state­ments regarding iron ore in India is not correct?
1) Our country has mainly haematite and magnetite reser­ves of iron ore
2) About 80% of the total reserves of iron ore of the country are located in Jharkhand and Odisha
3) Bellary is a major mining area of iron ore in Karnataka
4) Mayurbhanj district has a significant place in Odisha in terms of iron ore

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Q. According to the 2011 Census, which of the following States has the highest (percentage) female literacy rate?
1) Mizoram
2) Goa
3) Himachal Pradesh
4) Maharashtra

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Q. The trans-boundary river Mekong of South-East Asia does not pass through which of the following countries?
1) Cambodia
2) Vietnam
3) Bangladesh
4) Laos

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Q. According to the 2011 Census, which of the following States has the highest growth rate of popu­lation?
1) Arunachal Pradesh
2) Bihar
3) Meghalaya
4) Punjab

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Q. Which of the following is not a source of Artificial Intelligence bias?
1) Data
2) Algorithms
3) People
4) Ability

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Q. Which of the following techniques cannot be used for generating electron-hole pairs in electronic devices?
1) Thermal excitation
2) Impact ionization
3) Photo excitation
4) Impurity injection

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Q. Which of the following diodes is used in ultra-high-speed switching electronic circuits?
1) Zener diode
2) Varactor diode
3) Tunnel diode
4) Schottky diode

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Q. Which of the following is not an example of a Virtual Assistant?
1) Alexa
2) Cortana
3) Siri
4) Cortesa

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Q. Who is known as the father of Artificial Intelligence?
1) Alan Turing
2) John McCarthy
3) Blaise Pascal
4) Dartmouth

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